Mary Herzog Agency – Expert Mental Health and Wellness Copywriter

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Health and Wellness Marketing – 4 Steps to Easily Set Up Your Marketing Funnel

You’re in the business of helping people. As a health and wellness professional it’s in your DNA. But just because you want to help people doesn’t mean you’ve figured out how to reach the people you need to help.

This is because marketing isn’t always easy to put into practice when you don’t know the steps.

Mary Herzog Agency is committed to giving you the best marketing support possible. This basic overview of a marketing funnel is a great guideline. Let's build out your health and wellness marketing strategy – effectively!

Let’s start at the beginning. Who is your audience?

Step 1 – Identify Your Target Audience, Then Speak to Them More Effectively.

The first step in building your health and wellness marketing strategies is to find your target audience. Then learn how to connect with them. Your business exists because of your audience. 

The great thing about identifying your target audience is you’re hitting two objectives in one fell swoop. You narrow your marketing focus and provide great support for your audience.

So how do you determine who your target audience is? It can be easy to get hung up on this step. But it’s incredibly important as it will shape your whole brand image. Also, determining the effectiveness of your health and wellness marketing strategy. 

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to get the ball rolling. They build off each other to give you a clearer picture of your audience.

  1. Who needs your help?

  2. Who can you effectively help with your services?

  3. Is there someone in your life who you think about as an ideal client for your business?

  4. What challenges do they face?

  5. What are their fears?

  6. What feels like success to them?

  7. What is their gender?

  8. What age range do you prefer working with?

The answers to these questions will give you a clear picture of who you are talking to in your health and wellness marketing campaign.

Keep in mind, that just because you choose your specific audience, it doesn’t mean you won’t work with other people. It does mean that when your target audience arrives at your site they are very likely to book your services.

Now that you’ve completed the most difficult step, it’s time to talk about your health and wellness marketing funnel.

What Is a Marketing Funnel for Health and Wellness?

To build out a funnel, you need to think about what your goal is. In simplest terms, people will enter your funnel at the top when you use your broadest marketing strategies. Then you want them to trickle to the bottom of your funnel.

The top of your funnel is visibility that leads to an opt-in. The bottom of your marketing funnel will be a sale. If you do it right, it will also be a repeat customer.

So today we’re talking about how to get from point A to point C.

Let’s first touch real quick on a pain point of yours. It can be easy to feel like marketing your business is selfish. But you have to remember why you started a health and wellness business in the first place. 

You built your business to help people. You can’t help people if they don’t know about you. As an ethical business, it’s important to put your business in front of your target audience. It’s the only way to reach the people who need you.

So how do you get started?

Step 2 – Health and Wellness Marketing Strategies That Lead People to Enter Your Funnel.

The top of your marketing funnel is all about visibility. The more visible you are to your target audience, the more they will enter your funnel. The top of your marketing funnel is where you want people to learn about the problem that you can solve (1).

This is where you build awareness and interest. 

So what are some concrete ways to start your marketing funnel? There are two different categories of audience building.

1. Organic Marketing: Creating content throughout the internet that builds authority and trust with your audience.

2. Paid Marketing: Paying for exposure with ads, influencers, or business features. Getting in front of other people’s audience to build your own.

Both of these strategies can be effective. A lot of businesses use a combination of both to build out their funnel. Today we’ll focus on organic health and wellness marketing.

Organic marketing requires an upfront investment of either time or money. Creating enough good content to build authority and trust with your audience.

One of the best ways to build interest, trust, and authority with your target audience is with blogs.

Blogging is one of the most underused strategies out there. Which gives you a great opportunity to capitalize on it. With blogs, you can identify many of your audience's pain points and provide the answers.

Blogs do still work for health and wellness marketing in 2024. 

Here are a few reasons why:

  • They solidify you as an authority in your niche and cause people to seek out your site for answers.

  • Blogs can help your site rank on Google. Leading to more organic traffic on your site.

  • Set them and forget them. You only have to write them once but they can bring you traffic for years to come.

  • Giving your audience a clear Call To Action (CTA) that tells them what their next step is on your site.

  • You can use a single blog post to drive traffic to your site from many platforms.

Let’s talk about that last point a bit more. This is a critical step in making a blog very effective for your site.

When you publish a blog post you can then share that post across multiple social media channels. So you’ve come up with a good chunk of content. Now you can reuse it 40+ times. 

Here’s how.

Make a post on every social media channel you run for your business. This can include:

  • LinkedIn

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • X

  • Threads

  • Pinterest

In fact, you don’t have to stop posting just once about your blog. If you’re blogging consistently you can post lots of different blog posts on social media. Then circle back around to the same one at a later date.

This is especially effective on Pinterest. Pinterest works as a search engine. Every Pinterest pin you create counts as a separate link to your site. So you can make 10 pins about the same article and drive massive amounts of traffic to your site.

In time, this will build up your site's Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Google will begin to take note of people finding your content relevant.

Social media is another aspect of the top of your health and wellness marketing funnel. You don’t have to just post about blogs. You should also create posts in other categories to keep people engaged.

This is where building out content pillars comes into play (2).

Creating regular posts that focus on a variety of topics can help. Targeting interests your audience has, is another way to have people enter your funnel organically. Your education pillars can be based on your blog posts.

Then you just come up with a couple of other topics that interest them. Always give them a CTA that takes people back to your site.

Once people are on your site or your blog it’s time to move them to the middle of your marketing funnel. You are now turning your cold leads into warm leads.

Step 3 – Marketing Health and Wellness with Email and Social Proof.

The middle of your funnel is all about building relationships with your audience. Hopefully, your blog and social media strategies have gotten people to your site. AND convinced people to sign up for your email list.

A great CTA on your blog posts is to have people join your email list. A blog alone won’t necessarily convert your customers from cold leads to hot leads. That’s what your email list is for.

When people sign up for your email list they are inviting you into their life in a much more personal way. Email is a way for you to communicate with them on your terms.

You can show up as much or as little as you want. You aren’t relying on an algorithm to show your audience your posts or your blogs. Whether it’s Google or Social Media.

Build a connection with your audience through email marketing. This can take your audience from a warm lead to a hot lead.

Email marketing takes some skill. You don’t want to show up with the wrong thing in your audience’s inbox. Everyone has experienced spammy emails. 

Nobody gets an unsubscribe faster than a company that just blasts sales at people every week. You also run the risk of people forgetting who you are if you don’t send any emails.

This is where hiring a copywriter can help you to build connections with your customers – the right way.

Email marketing can help your audience:

  • Get to know your company and learn to trust you.

  • Build your authority by sending out new blog notifications.

  • Provide social proof to your audience by sharing testimonials.

  • Identify your audience’s hesitations and soothe their fears.

Email is a powerful way to move your audience closer to the end of your funnel.

Step 4 – Health and Wellness Marketing Strategies for the End of Your Marketing Funnel.

The end of your marketing funnel is all about the sale – and customer retention. At this point, you’ve nurtured your audience with lots of great content and support through your blogs and emails.

You’ve shown up on social media, where a lot of people like to hang out in their downtime.

You’ve provided a ton of value, now it’s time to get something from them in return.

You’ve crafted your offers and your products to help them. Their ultimate sign of trust is their believing that and purchasing from you.

At this point, you want to make sure you are still offering them support after their purchase. This can be done with email marketing as well. Asking for feedback – good and bad. So you can continuously refine your offer.

The very end of your marketing funnel should be the goal of a repeat customer. Do you understand why this is so important? 61% of small businesses have reported that over half of their revenue comes from repeat customers (3).

More than half. That business can make or break your business.

This is why it’s so important to continue nurturing your audience after they’ve purchased your service or product.

The Bonus Step That Brings Success to Your Health and Wellness Marketing.

Effective health and wellness marketing can bring you a huge amount of success for your business. But it’s not always easy to set up alone.

Marketing is a big ask. Many companies have whole departments that take care of all of their marketing.

Your bonus step that will jumpstart your marketing efforts is hiring a copywriter. Hiring the right help will maximize your content creation and customer connections.

At Mary Herzog Agency, we tailor all our copywriting to your business and your needs. Rest easy knowing your content aligns with: 

Your business values and voice.

Your target audience’s needs and desires.

Book a call today so we can get started on your business success immediately.

(1) Marketing Funnel – Semrush

(2) Content Pillars – Maggie Writes Copy

(3) Repeat Customers: How to Keep Them Coming Back – Surge Social

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